Circuit Medical
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Benchmarking Medical Affairs Performance

Just how do Medical Affairs provide ‘value’? Is it through KOL engagements, numbers of patients in trials, numbers of publications, or even patient outcomes in clinical practice? We’ll work with you to benchmark your performance against those in the industry.


About This Service

Reports suggest Medical Affairs functions have existed in some form since at least the 1960s, however, there is no single way to measure and improve the performance of Medical Affairs to demonstrate value.

Circuit Medical has worked with leading Medical Affairs departments to understand what makes them different and able to perform at a high level.

Circuit Medical has also worked on specific functional objectives, such as collaborating more closely with R&D, (typically an area that medical affairs is less successfully aligned with) and have transformed outcomes.

Ask more about how we can work with your Medical Affairs department to support improvement of your Medical Affairs function.

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Optimising Medical Affairs Value









More On This Service

Understanding the strategic importance of Medical Affairs value is key to successful outcomes

Our team has worked through their own journeys to delivering highly valued Medical Affairs.

We have also sought to understand what separates those who can deliver high value from others.

We can help you to define and deliver high value Medical Affairs.

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Why Choose Circuit Medical

We are relentless in our pursuit to help take your Medical Affairs delivery to a new level.  Click on Circuit Medical Consulting to find out how.

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