Circuit Medical
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Strategic Medical Brand Planning

The bedrock of great outcomes is a great plan. We support you by developing robust and targeted plans by focusing only on what matters.


About This Service

Medical Affairs plays a key role in the development and execution of cross-functional brand or portfolio plans, when involved early and as a partner.

Medical Affairs is close to the scientific and clinical evidence, the therapeutic clinical experts, investigators and patients use IMPs/therapies.   Medical Affairs can provide a scientific and clinical understanding not available elsewhere.

A more detailed medical level plan is often required to supplement the higher-level cross-functional plans.

Circuit Medical tailor the approach we take to suit your needs and can even support you in ‘agile’ ways of working with short-cycle development and using the latest software to track progress against plan.

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Where We Can Support You



We can support your insights management from capture through to translation to strategy.


Vision and Strategy

We can support your analysis of your inputs to identify your pivotal challenges/opportunities and shape a vision/strategic objectives.


Tactical Planning

We work in an ‘expansive manner’ to explore innovative ideas facilitating you to be more competitive when tactical planning.


Success Measures/KPIs

Importantly, we help you to measure value and how well your plan is delivering vs. your business objectives.

More On This Service

We make Medical Planning enjoyable and the plans very practical

We don’t pay lip service to planning, nor expect medical plans to be relegated to last on the agenda.

Building and then delivering robust medical plans shows the strength of medical leadership and value.

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Why Choose Circuit Medical

We are relentless in our pursuit to help take your Medical Affairs delivery to a new level.  Click on Circuit Medical Consulting to find out how.

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